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Tibet Weather in November

November is still an excellent time to visit Tibet. If you are used to tropical weather, you may find Tibet in November cold and dry. The temperature in Tibet may plummet to –5°C during this month, and its maximum temperature only reaches 13°C, which is good enough for traveling to Tibet. The average temperature of Tibet during November is 4°C, with precipitation of 2mm and 71 percent relative humidity.

If you intend to visit Tibet in November, it would be good for you to know about the weather this month. You also need to adjust yourself and take the necessary precautions when traveling around, given the fact that Tibet is situated 4,000 meters above sea level on average.

What Should You Wear in Tibet During November?

When visiting Tibet in November, you need to dress in layers. You need to bring warm clothes that are fit enough for autumn and winter. As mentioned above, the temperature of Tibet during November vacillates between 13°C and –5°C. Hence, Tibet would be inevitably cold during the daytime, and undoubtedly nighttime is even worse.

During the daytime, you also need to wear a sunhat and sunglasses as protection from UV light. You also need to bring waterproof shoes and clothes because rainfall is still a huge possibility during November. At night, a thick jacket would come in handy because the nighttime temperature may plummet to –5 °C. Warm clothes and jackets will also come in handy if you would visit places like Namtso Lake, Yamdrok Lake, or you would go further to the Everest Base Camp. Overall, you need to take along these things—a sweater, down jacket, winter pants, boots, hat, gloves, and scarf, snow glasses, sunblock, and lip balm.

Places to Visit in Tibet During November

Lhasa City
Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet, which is the primary destination for travelers who visit Tibet. Here, you will find world-famous landmarks like the Potala PalaceJokhang Temple, and many more. Of course, Tibet during November is without the fanfare of August, which is the festival month of Tibet. But Tibet is still astonishingly attractive even without those festivities. It is also advantageous to visit Tibet during November if you want to enjoy the serenity of the place and avoid the usual influx of tourists. Moreover, you'll be able to experience the unique winter atmosphere of Tibet during November.

Autumn scene by Lhasa River.
You will enjoy the serenity of Lhasa city and avoid the crowding tourists in November.

>> See more about Lhasa tour

Shigatse City
Another awesome city to visit during November is Shigatse. It would be good to visit Shigatse once you have already acclimated yourself to the weather of Lhasa. On the way to Shigatse, it would be nice to see Yamdrok. In Shigatse, you can visit the Tashilhunpo Monastery, which is the seat of Panchen Lama.

>> See more about Shigatse tour

Everest Base Camp
One of the most visited places in Tibet is the Everest Base Camp (EBC). Admiring and climbing the highest mountain in the world is a dream for most tourists to Tibet but not all want to scale Mount Everest. Many of the travelers been to EBC just wish to take a glimpse of Mt. Everest even from afar. You should ensure, however, that when you visit EBC, you are fully equipped with your (cold-prevented) gear and clothing.

Monument of Everest Base Camp.
Tourists who have been to Everest Base Camp just want to have a glimpse of Mt. Everest. 

>>  See more about Everest Base Camp tour

The Upsides of Traveling to Tibet in November

Traveling to Tibet during November has its upsides. First, you get to go without the usual fuss that comes along with many tourists. Since there will be fewer tourists around in November, you will enjoy Tibet and its serenity. Secondly, you will also have a better chance of getting cheaper flights and train tickets as well as inexpensive rooms. Since it is not the peak travel season, you could save on your travel expenses. Hence, if you’re the type of person who likes to travel during the offseason, visiting Tibet during November is a brilliant choice.

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