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Tibet Weather in August

  • by Liffity
  • Last Updated: 2023-01-15

Tibetan summer is from June to August. As the last month in summer, August is still a good month to travel to Tibet. Unlike other areas in China, August in Tibet is warm and comfortable because of the high altitude. Although both July and August belong to the rainy season, it rains less in August than in July. Therefore, clouds are fewer, and the sky is brighter. Compared with June and July, tourists visiting Tibet in August have a greater chance to enjoy the grandeur of high mountains in a far distance such as Mt Everest, Mt Kailash, and so on.

What's more, the reason why August is the peak tourist season is that there're a lot of traditional Tibetan festivals this month. Some famous and grand celebrations such as Shoton Festival, Nagchu Horse Racing Festival, Bathing Festival, etc. Here are some details about the weather in August.

Brief Introduction to Tibetan August Weather

August is the rainy month, as mentioned before. Thus, outdoor activities such as mountain trekking or hiking should be avoided. In some high-altitude mountains, it even snows. It's always rainy at night and sunny in the daytime. The average maximum temperature in August is about 22 °C, and the average minimum temperature in August is about 9 °C. Here's another set of data from August,

Average Temperature Average Precipitation Clear Days Wet day(>0.1mm) Relative humidity
22 °C 89 mm 20 10 72%

In one word, Lhasa is warm in August, but some remote areas outside of Lhasa are cold. The daily temperature varies greatly. It can rise up to 20 °C in the daytime, but it can drop down to 10 °C at night.

Clothing Suggestion in Tibetan August

As the peak tourist season, August is one of the best months to travel to Tibet. The scenery in August is charming and attractive. While the sun's rays are strong in the daytime. To protect your eyes and skin from being hurt by the intense sunlight, you’d better bring some protective products like sunglasses, sun bonnets and sun-blocking cream, sunglasses as well as suntan oil. Owing to the vast temperature difference between day and night, some T-shirts, trousers, and a jacket are necessary. You also need to take some good water-resistant shoes and rain gear in case of wetting by the rain.

Recommended Places in August

Lhasa is the top-recommended tourist place in August. Here you can visit numerous popular attractions such as Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Drepung Monastery, Barkhor Street, etc. More importantly, the grand Shonton Festival will be held in Lhasa, and the whole city will be full of happiness and jollification. Enjoy the grand visual feast in Lhasa!

Shonton Festival
Tibetan opera is derived from religious ceremonies.

Nagchu is also worthy of being recommended to you. The fierce Nagchu Horse Racing Festival will be held in Nagchu. Thousands of travelers will travel to Nagchu to enjoy this grand festival. August is the best month for tourists to visit the grassland. With green grass on the boundless land, you must fall in love with Nagchu.

Horse Racing Festival
Horse Racing Festival.

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