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Tibet Weather in April

April is considered a particular month of Tibetan tourism. Generally speaking, tourism in Tibet begins in April as Tibet is temporarily inaccessible from late February to March owing to the celebration of the Tibetan New Year Festival. Moreover, April is the approach of spring. The weather is getting warmer, and snow begins to melt into streams. The lives in Tibet start to grow vibrantly. Therefore, it is believed that April is a great time to have a wonderful Tibet tour.

Stunning view of Mt.Everest in Apirl
The spectacular views of Mt.Everest in April.

The Climate of Tibet in April

Although Tibet starts to warm up in April, the temperature is still not as high as in Summer. The average lowest temperature is 2 °C, while the medial highest temperature reaches 16 °C. The sunny, windy and dry climates often occur during this month, and in the nighttime, a little bit of coldness remains like the winter’s tail left in Tibet. Regarding the precipitation, there are around five rainy days a month with 5mm of rainfall. The sunlight is strong in Tibet’s April, which is usually 8 hours a day.

Clothing Required

As we all can see that the temperature varies widely between day and night in April. Hence, dressing in layers is necessary to keep tourists from having a cold caused by the rapid change in temperature. Moreover, there are many restaurants and hotels in Tibet that do not offer central heating, which means tourists have to wear a coat or more at night. We suggest travelers bring clothing such as coats, thin sweaters, jackets, and long-sleeve shirts. Apart from the coldness, UV radiation is another factor that should be paid attention to by tourists. It is beneficial for them to take along sunglasses, sun hats, and sun cream to prevent sunburn.

Where to Travel in Tibetan April

Potala Palace

Potala Palace is a renowned ancient palace in Lhasa, with the largest and the most well-preserved groups of palaces. And it also is the world’s highest palace. The majestic architecture colored red and white is located on the hill known as the red hill in Lhasa.

In the past, it is the private palace of the Dalai Lama. The magnificent Potala Palace now works as a museum, as well as a sacred place for worship. Every year, millions of pilgrims and local Tibetans arrive there to join in the worship.

Barkhor Street

Barkhor Street is a well-known shopping street located in Lhasa and built around the Jokhang temple, which is called the "Temple of the Lord"— derived from Jowo Shakyamuni Buddha, its primary image. Barkhor Street is referred to as the sacred road, for pilgrims and tourists come to this street from all over the world and take part in traditional Buddhism worship and pilgrimage.

Enjoy the bright sunshine at Barkhor Street.
Barkhor Street is also the shopping center in downtown Lhasa.

Most travelers prefer Barkhor street because it is where tourists can buy a variety of souvenirs and local specialties. In Tibet's April, it is still in a slack season with fewer crowds of sightseers, so it is an excellent time to go shopping on Barkhor street and enjoy the local Buddhism culture.

Namtso Lake

Namtso lake is one of the most attractive traveling spots that are accessible in April after the long winter season passed. It is the third-largest salt lake in China at an altitude of 4718m. In late April, the breathtaking scenery can be viewed as the frozen Namtso lake changes into dark blue or turquoise, which appeals to numerous tourists to come to Tibet every year.

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