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Tibet Weather in March

  • by Liffity
  • Last Updated: 2023-03-07

Tibetan spring starts from March to May. The arrival of March means the beginning of Tibetan spring. As is known to us, spring is a lively and warm season in most places. While because of the high altitude, Tibetan spring is still full of cold, snow, and ice. Because of the block of the grand Himalayan Ranges, the humid and warm airflow cannot reach the inner land. Therefore, Tibetan March is not only chilly but also dry. However, the sun is intense in March, and there are fewer clouds floating in the sky. And the snow-capped mountains can be seen even from a far distance. March plays a vital role for Tibetans, because the most important Tibetan New Year may be held in this month, which relies on the data of the traditional Tibetan calendar. During this period, all Tibetans will immerse themselves in a joyous atmosphere. Unfortunately, Tibet Travel Permit would not issue during this period so foreigners can't travel to Tibet.

Potala Palace
Potala Palace with the snowy mountains as background.

Brief Introduction of March Weather

Generally, March is dry, cold, and sunny. The temperature in a day varies differently. At night the average minimum temperature is only about -2°C, and the average maximum temperature is about 12°C in the daytime. 5°C is the average temperature of March. It doesn’t rain much, and the average precipitation is only about 6 mm. The weather is fine and sunny, and the hours of sunshine can last 8 hours. There are more than 15 clear days this month. There is only one wet day(>0.1mm) in March. The relative humidity is about 72 %. What’s more, the oxygen content in March is lower than in other common months(abt 70%). Only 60% of the oxygen content in the air in March. Therefore, you’d better stay in low-altitude places such as Lhasa for several days to adapt to the high-altitude sickness.

Average Temperature Average Precipitation Clear Days Wet day(>0.1mm) Relative humidity
5°C 6 mm 15 1 72%

Clothing Suggestion in March

The temperature is still low in March, especially at night. You need to take some warm clothes such as a sweater, a down jacket, winter pants, gloves, scarves, snow glasses, and boots. Because of the strong sunlight in the daytime, you should take some skincare items such as hats, sunglasses, sunblock, and lip balm. Winter gear is needed in some highlands.

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Peach blossom in Nyingchi.
Peach blossom in Nyingchi in March.

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