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Tibet Weather in July

  • by Liffity
  • Last Updated: 2023-01-15

The arrival of July means the arrival of the rainy season. As the second month of Tibetan summer, the temperature in July is the highest. But because of the high altitude, you won’t feel as hot as in other places. Generally speaking, Tibet's weather in July is warm, sunny and rainy. Although it is the rainy season, it always rains at night instead of in the daytime. This is the best month for travelers to have a tour in the northern or eastern region of Tibet. The scenery along the Friendship Highway and Chuan Zang Highway is really attractive. Lhasa is also a hot tourist destination. The temperature in Lhasa varies from 10 °C to 23 °C, so you will feel comfortable when traveling to Lhasa city.

Brief Introduction of Weather in July

July is one of the peak tourism months in Tibet. Before you set foot in Tibet, you should know about the temperature in advance. Therefore, you will have an idea about the clothes package. Let’s have a look at the climate in July. You won’t feel hot in the daytime, because the maximum temperature is only about 23 °C. While it is colder at night, and the average minimum temperature is only about 9 °C. Averagely, the temperature in July is about 16 °C, and the precipitation is about 122 mm. Due to the rain, there are more wet days in July than in other months, nearly 13 days. The relative humidity is 71%. There are 17 clear days in the whole month.

Average Temperature Average Precipitation Clear Days Wet day(>0.1mm) Relative humidity
16°C 122 mm 17 13 71%

Clothing Suggestion in July

As a tourist, one of the most important things for you is to consider what kind of clothes to take when traveling to Tibet. Here is the list for you. Due to the strong sunlight in the daytime, you should take sunglasses, a sunhat, suncream, and lipstick. Due to the rain, you also need to take some waterproof clothes and shoes. If you want to visit some highlands such as Namtso Lake, Mt Kailash, Mt Everest, etc, you should take some warm clothes, coats, and hats.

Recommended Places in July


Lhasa is the must-see place in Tibet where you can visit many famous attractions such as Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Drepung Monastery, Barkhor Street, etc. July is also a festival month for Tibetans, and the traditional festival Tangka Festival will be held in Ganden Monastery. According to the Tibetan Calendar, this grand festival is held on the 15th. When you travel to Lhasa in July, you can witness the grand scene of this festival.

Entrance of Potala Palace.
Tourists need to climb through the narrow stairs to enter Potala Palace.

√ 4 Days Lhasa City Essential Group Tour

Namtso Lake

The scenery along Namtso Lake is very beautiful. Staying overnight along the lake is a wonderful experience. At night, you can enjoy the quiet sky with numerous twinkling stars. In the early morning, you have a chance to witness the stunning sunrise of high snow mountains.

Namtso Lake
Namtso Lake is at an altitude of 4718 meters. It's the biggest lake in Tibet.

√ 9 Days Lhasa Gyantse Shigatse Everest Namtso Group Tour


Having a tour along the Friendship Highway is also a wonderful journey. You can have a tour of Shigatse, Yamdrok Lake, Everest Base Camp, etc.

Friendship Highway

Friendship highway is the road connecting Lhasa and Kathmandu.

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