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Nepal Tibet Map

  • by Eric
  • Last Updated: 2024-04-09

Nepal and Tibet are two Himalaya kingdoms located on the south and north sides of Mt.Everest. With abundant tourist resources, the world's two top tourist destinations are so close geographically, which brings great convenience for travelers all over the world to visit Nepal and Tibet on a perfect journey. You can not only feel mysterious Tibet but also enjoy diversified Nepal. On the border between Nepal and Tibet, there's an important port Gyirong that connects Nepal and Tibet. In history, Gyirong Port is the dominating channel of politics, economy, and culture for Nepal and Tibet as well as a traditional border market. No matter you are traveling from Nepal to Tibet or vice versa, Gyirong Port is the only port to get through for your overland tour right now. Here, we put maps of Nepal and Tibet together to provide you with practical travel plans.

Location Map of Nepal and Tibet

Tibet is close to the southwest border of China and located in the southwest of the Tibetan Plateau of Asia. Tibet borders Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sikkim, Myanmar, and some countries in the Kashmir area. The overall length of the borderline is as long as 4,000 kilometers.

Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia, sitting at the southern foot of the Himalayas. Surrounded by China, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, Nepal only borders India and China Tibet, with Tibet in the north and India in the other three directions.

Tibet and Nepal are very adjacent areas on the map. Nepal is in the southwest of Tibet, and the southern part of Shigatse of Tibet borders Nepal.

Geographical Locations of the Himalayan Kingdoms.
Geographical Locations of Nepal and Tibet.

Everest in Nepal and Tibet Map

In the boundary region, The Himalayas run through Tibet and Nepal at the same time. Its highest peak, also the highest mountain in the world - Everest, which naturally demarcates the border between China and Nepal, with its northern slope belonging to Tibet and its southern Slope belonging to Nepal.

Base Camps exist on both sides of the mountain. If you are planning a trip to Everest Base Camp, you should know that the route of Tibet Everest Base Camp and that of Nepal Everest Base Camp Trek are completely different and the scenery along is not the same either. Tibet’s Mount Everest Base Camp is easier to reach, and you can travel all the way by car. Getting to the Everest Base Camp in Nepal requires at least 12 days of trekking, but you can gain more views.

Everest Base Camps
Everest  Base Camps in Nepal and Tibet.

Tourist Attraction Map of Nepal and Tibet

China and Nepal have had a history of friendly exchanges for thousands of years due to proximity, which has made the religious culture of Tibet and Nepal influenced by each other. However, the location of the north and the south of the Himalayas make their natural landscape very different.

Nepal Tourist Attraction on the Map.

Nepal Attractions

1. Durbar Square

Durbar Square is one of the most famous sights in Nepal. Each of the three ancient cities in the Kathmandu Valley has a Durbar Square, namely Kathmandu Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square, and Bhaktapur Durbar Square. Durbar Square contains the classical Newari temples and palaces from the period from the 16th to the 19th century, which has been a splendid world cultural heritage. The three Durbar squares are integrated with the Nepalese people's living block and are worth visiting. There often holds festival celebrations and parades, which are simple and full of ethnic characteristics.

2. Nagarkot

Known as the Himalayas Observation Deck, Nagarkot offers the widest and most beautiful view of the world's highest peak. On a sunny day with the best visibility, you can see the Himalayas on the opposite side, from Annapurna to Mount Everest, a series of snow-capped mountains stretching more than 300 kilometers from east to west. This is enough to make Nagarkot, which was only a small mountain village, a famous tourist destination for enjoying the beautiful peaks.

3. Thamel

Thamel is a must-see place for backpackers or self-guided travelers to Nepal because it is not only a tourist-friendly area but also a trinity block of accommodation, food, and shopping. Thamel, the landmark of Kathmandu's old city, is now the gathering place for foreign tourists. The narrow and buzzing alleys are packed with little shops with everything that tourists need.

4. Chitwan National Park

The Chitwan National Park, or Royal Chitwan National Park, used to be the private hunting grounds of the Nepalese royal family and their guests. Located in the Terai lowland in southern Nepal, this natural animal sanctuary covers an area of ​​930 square kilometers. It is one of the few unspoiled natural areas in the Himalayas between India and Nepal. It is home to the world's rare Asian one-horned rhinoceros and one of the last hideouts for the Bengal tiger.

5. Boudhanath Stupa

Located 8 kilometers east of Kathmandu city center, Boudhanath Stupa is one of the most famous monuments in Nepal. Boudha Stupa is a huge white rounded vase form, 38 meters high and 100 meters in diameter, and huge Buddha's eyes were painted on four sides which symbolize the boundless and omnipresent Buddhist dharma. It is the largest spherical stupa in the world and an important sacred site for Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal.

6. Annapurna

Nepal is known as "the paradise for hikers" and has the world's most beautiful treks for choice. Among them, Annapurna Circuit Trek (ACT) and Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek are the most prestigious ones. Especially the Annapurna Circuit Trek route, from which tourists can appreciate almost all the landforms of Nepal, including forests, meadows, passes, stunning snow-capped mountains, refreshing mountain lakes, and beautiful valleys, therefore, is listed as one of the top ten hiking trails in the world. 

Tourist Attraction Map of Tibet.

Tourist Attraction Map of Tibet

1. Potala Palace

The Potala Palace, a symbol of Tibet, has been a residence of Dalai Lamas since the 7th century. Located on the Marpori Mountain in the northwest of Lhasa, Tibet, it is also the highest palace in the world, embodying the essence of the fortress-style complex and Tibetan architectural art. This is definitely the top-recommended tourist attraction in Tibet.

2. Jokhang Temple

The Jokhang Temple, located in the center of the old city of Lhasa, is the first temple in Tibet. It holds a supreme position in Tibetan Buddhism. It is the most brilliant surviving building of the Tubo period and the earliest wood-stone structure building in Tibet, which pioneered the level-land-style temple layout. After refurbishments and extensions through the ages, it has formed a large-scale complex covering an area of more than 25,100 square meters. 

3. Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash is "the center of the world" in the hearts of Tibetan Buddhists, Hinduists, and some other religious believers. It is located to the north of Lake Mansarovar in Purang County. With an altitude of 6,638 meters, the summit is frozen all year round, showing the shape of a pyramid, and the sun shines on the snow, shining a mysterious and rare light. It would be a blessing if you could have a pilgrimage there and see it by yourself.

4. Namtso, Yamdrok Lake, and Lake Manasarovar - Three Holy Lake in Tibet

Mansarovar means "eternal and undefeated jasper lake" in Tibetan. It is a holy lake recognized by many religions in the world, and it is also one of the most prestigious lakes in Asia and even the world. Namtso means "heavenly lake" in Tibetan. It is the third-largest saltwater lake in China and the highest saltwater lake in the world. Yamdrok Lake means "Swan Lake" in Tibetan. It is a freshwater lake, which is inhabited by swans, ospreys, and birds.

5. Tashilhunpo Monastery

Tashilhunpo Monastery, located at the foot of Niseri mountain in Shigatse city, is the largest Gelug monastery of Tibetan Buddhism in the Ü-Tsang area. It is also one of the "great six" Gelug monasteries in China. After the renovation and expansion by successive Panchen Lamas, the scale of the temple has been continuously expanded. Today, it covers an area of ​​about 200,000 square meters, with a circumference of about 2,000 meters. 

6. Barkhor Street

Barkhor Street, located in the old city of Lhasa, is a neighborhood with a traditional outlook and a strong flavor of the Tibetan lifestyle. The street is famous for being a pilgrimage road around Jokhang Temple and being the commercial center of Lhasa, most embodying Tibetan customs. It is a good place for visitors to learn about religion, Tibetan culture, and the economy, as well as sightseeing and shopping.

Travel Map of Nepal and Tibet

There are several ways to get from Nepal to Tibet. Flights from Kathmandu to Lhasa enable you to see the majestic Himalayans. The China-Nepal Friendship Highway has created an excellent opportunity for the epic Kathmandu to Lhasa overland tour. If you were planning to do a Kailash Mansarovar yatra, it would be a great advantage to cross the border from Nepal to Tibet. The distance between Lhasa (3,658m) and Kathmandu (1,400m) is 609 kilometers in terms of straight-line while 1,300 kilometers in terms of an overland tour.

Travel route between Kathmandu and Lhasa
Travel route between Kathmandu and Lhasa.

Travel by Air

The fastest way to travel between Nepal and Tibet is by plane. Himalayan Airlines operates flights from Kathmandu to Lhasa on Mon/Wed/Fri from 17 April 2024. The flight distance from Kathmandu to Lhasa is about 600 kilometers, and the flight time is about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Have a Kathmandu to Lhasa Overland Tour

Due to the opening of the Gyirong Port, international tourists can travel to Lhasa overland from Kathmandu. It is only a seven-hour drive from Kathmandu to Gyirong Port. After entering Tibet, this road smoothly leads to Lhasa. Along the way, you can visit the famous Mount Everest Base Camp, the historic city of Shigatse, and stunning Yamdrok Lake as well as two days of sightseeing in Lhasa. It only takes 8 days to complete this wonderful journey. Alternatively, Lhasa to Kathmandu overland tour is also feasible.

>> See more about Kathmandu to Lhasa overland tour

>> See more about Lhasa to Kathmandu overland tour

Border Map of Tibet and Nepal

The border between China's Tibet and Nepal is very long, and there are several ports. The most famous ports are Gyirong Port and Zhangmu Port.

Gyirong Port is located in Re Suo Village, Gyirong County, Shigatse Region, 829.6 kilometers from Lhasa City and 85 kilometers from Kathmandu. After completing the formalities at the Chinese port, cross the Friendship Bridge, then arrive at the Nepal port, where you will go through the immigration formalities.

Zhangmu Port is located in Nyalam County of Shigatse City. It is 736 kilometers away from Lhasa and 120 kilometers away from Kathmandu. Due to the 2015 Nepal earthquake, a section of the road from the port to Nepal collapsed. Therefore, the Zhangmu port has been closed from 2015 until it reopened in May 2019. However, only freight is allowed to pass instead of tourists.

Gyirong Port between Nepal and Tibet.
Gyirong Port between Nepal and Tibet.

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