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How to Travel to Tibet from Deutschland?

The number of German travelers visiting Tibet annually is continuously increasing. The reason for this is that a lot of Deutschland tourists are discovering the unique beauty of Tibet. Upon entering Tibet, Deutsches would readily feel that you are entering a different world—a world that showcases a tradition and culture that is straightforwardly different from what they commonly experience.

The journey from Germany to Tibet is 11,000 km long. Yet, you don't have to worry about this long journey because there are direct flights from the major cities of Germany like Frankfurt and Munich to five specific international airports in China. From these five cities(Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Hong Kong), you can take a direct or connecting flight to Lhasa, Tibet. Moreover, from Munich and Frankfurt, there are also connecting flights to Kathmandu, Nepal from where you can either travel overland or by plane to Lhasa, Tibet.

Important notice: Vistors from Germany can enjoy 15-day China visa-free policy till 31 December 2025.

Air routes from Frankfurt to Tibet

From Germany to Tibet: Your Two Options

So basically, you have two options if you are traveling from Deutschland to Tibet. On the one hand, you can take a flight to mainland China and from there board a flight or train to Lhasa, Tibet. On the other hand, you can board a flight to Kathmandu, Nepal, and from there, you can either travel by land to Tibet or by plane over the Himalayas to Lhasa.

Via Mainland China

As mentioned above, there are direct flights from the busiest airports in Germany to five major cities of mainland China. These five cities include Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Guangzhou. From these cities, you can either board a flight to Lhasa, Tibet or travel by land via train.

From Munich or Frankfurt to Beijing

From Munich or Frankfurt, you can board a flight to Beijing at a cost of 820 EUR / 685 EUR. Upon arrival in Beijing, you can take a flight to Lhasa. This flight usually costs around 445 EUR. You can also opt for train travel. The cost of the Beijing to Lhasa train is around 183 EUR.

From Frankfurt to Chengdu

From Frankfurt, you can board a direct plane going to Chengdu at a cost of 595 EUR. From Chengdu, you can either board a plane or train to Lhasa, Tibet. The Chengdu to Lhasa flight usually costs around 226 EUR. On the other hand, a Chengdu to Lhasa train ticket usually costs around 183 EUR. 

From Frankfurt or Munich to Shanghai

From Frankfurt or Munich, you can board a plane to Shanghai at a cost of 635 EUR / 715 EUR. In Shanghai, you can board a plane to Lhasa. This Shanghai to Lhasa flight costs you around 455 EUR. Via the Shanghai to Lhasa train, you will have to shell out around 183 EUR.

Via Nepal to Tibet

From the major airports of Germany like Frankfurt and Munich, you can travel by plane to Kathmandu, Nepal at a cost of 780 EUR / 915 EUR. Upon arriving in Kathmandu, Nepal, you can make overland travel to Tibet by bus or car. You can also board a plane at Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) to Lhasa Gonggar Airport or go overland along the Friendship Highway.

Necessary Travel Permits and Documents

There are certain travel permits and documents that you should secure prior to traveling from Deutschland to Tibet. One such permit is the Tibet Travel Permit. Other necessary permits include China Visa or a China group visa. To secure these permits, you need to contact a travel agency in Tibet to pre-arrange your itinerary. Moreover, you can’t travel alone to Tibet. You need to be in a travel group.

Necessary Permits if You Travel via Mainland China

Upon arriving in China, you would need to secure a China visa. It's better to book a Tibet tour first and ask your Tibet travel agency to help you with your China visa application by providing you some supporting documents such as tourist invitation letter and tour itinerary.

Also you need a Tibet Travel Permit before you board a plane to Tibet. Your travel agency will express this document to you at your booked hotel in mainland China. If you are boarding a train to Lhasa, however, you can present scanned printed copies of the Tibet travel permit.

Necessary Permits If You Travel via Nepal

If you choose to travel to Tibet via Kathmandu, Nepal, there are two necessary documents that you need to secure before you can get to Tibet from Nepal: China Group Visa and Tibet travel permit. And of course, after your arrival in Kathmandu, you will also be required a Nepali visa, which can be applied upon arrival and easy to obtain.

For China Group Visa, since it takes 3 working days and requires 4 participants, we suggest you apply for it once you reach Kathmandu. Also, China group visa requires an invitation letter from Tibet Tourism Bureau and your passport. You can obtain this visa via the joint effort of your travel agency in Lhasa and Kathmandu. The visa fee for German citizens is around 109 EUR. You need to present your China Group Visa before you board your flight to Lhasa or go overland to Tibet via Gyirong.

For Tibet Travel Permit, it's free but it only can be applied by a Tibet travel agency on your behalf. That means you need to sign up with a Tibet travel agency to let them guarantee your tours in Tibet. Since your China group visa also needs an invitation letter from Tibet, we suggest you book your Tibet tour one month before your departure to Kathmandu.

After you arrive in Lhasa or get to the border of Gyirong, your tour guide will send your Tibet travel permit therefore you can get through the customs successfully.


Deutsches can choose between flying to mainland China or Nepal, and then getting to Tibet from there by train, by flight or by land. Regardless of the chosen route, it is essential to secure the necessary travel permits and visas, which can be efficiently arranged through a travel agency.

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