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20 Pictures Will Inspire You to Travel to Tibet

There's a mysterious veil for Tibet, which makes people want to untie it. With an average altitude of 4,000 meters, Tibet is renowned as the roof of the world. Here you can visit various Tibetan Monasteries to understand Tibetan Buddhism; appreciate the ancient Zhangzhung civilizations and their rich cultural heritage.; encounter the most beautiful plateau lakes, like Namtso Lake, Yamdrok Lake, Pangong Tso, etc.; witness the highest mountain range - the Himalayas; worship the holy kora destination - Mt.Kailash...  Many people may ask the question - 'How beautiful is Tibet?' well, the 20 pictures below will give you the answer and inspire you to travel to Tibet. 

#1. Enjoy the scenery along the road and feel the beauty of every moment.

Tibet on the road.

#2. Wait for sunrise and sunset at Potala Palace square. The sun sprinkled on the red mountain, making the towering Potala Palace more solemn and lofty; at sunset, see the lone wild geese flying across the sky, quiet and peaceful.

potala sunset

#3. Go to the Jokhang Temple to worship the life-sized Shakyamuni Buddha statues, which is the destination of every devotee.

Jokhang Temple Square

#4. Learn some history of Tibetan Buddhism, the life of monks, and try to understand the profound Tibetan Buddhism culture in the holy land.

A Tibetan monk at Sera Monastery.

#5. Turn the prayer wheels once piously at a Tibetan Monastery.

Jokhang temple

#6. Make a  wish in front of butter lamps.

Butter lamps

#7. Stroll along Barkhor Street. Only after you come to Tibet, you will know that Barkhor Street around the Jokhang Temple is the real Lhasa.

Barkhor street

#8. Enjoy a leisurely afternoon in Tibet, sitting in a teahouse, watching local people and listening to all kinds of stories.


#9. Take photos in Tibetan costumes and pretend yourself as a local. 

tibetan costume

#10. Have authentic Tibetan cuisine. Different cuisine ways provide different taste styles.

tibetan cuisine

#11. Take a look at the starry sky on the snowy plateau. At the nearest place to heaven, the night of the plateau is the most peaceful night in the world.

Starry sky in Tibet.

#12. Have a walk at Namtso Lakeside, and look forward to another surprising encounter.

namtso lake

#13. Worship the highest mountain in the world - Everest at Everest Base Camp.

mount everest

#14. Tour Nyingchi in March. If you have not seen Nyingchi's spring, you will not know its soft beauty. 


#15. Go to Midui Glacier to experience the cold winter. Shrouded by ice and snow, the glaciers still give the land a magnificent beauty.


#16. Spend summertime at Lulang forest to feel cool. Lulang Forest has large grasslands full of vitality and a sea of colorful flowers.


#17. Go to National Highway 318 from Chengdu to Lhasa to take a road shot. There is a saying that everyone should go down this highway once in a lifetime. The boundless surrounding mountains and the Gobi desert are not only beautiful scenery but also a symbol of freedom.

318 highway

#18. Learn from Tibetan to kowtow a long head, with piety, with solemn, and feel the incomparably sacred moment with the heart.


#19. Go to Ngari once, to find the beauty of emptiness that can't be told. There is a saying: not to Ngari, it is vain to get to Tibet.

Nagri area

#20. Have a Mt.Kailash kora tour. Mount Kailash is the holiest mountain in Asia. You will see numerous devout Tibetans and believers walking on the tortuous mountain roads and whispering prayers.

Kailash yatra

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