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Lhasa to Everest Base Camp

  • Last Updated: 2023-01-30

Lhasa to Everest Base Camp tour is one of the most popular tours in Tibet. As it will not only take you to get insight into the Buddhist culture and experience the best Tibet scenery but also witness the highest mountain in the world. You will visit the most famous monasteries in Lhasa and Shigatse, view the beautiful Yamdrok Lake, pass through Rongbuk Monastery and finally reach Everest Base Camp. At the foot of the world's highest mountain, you may feel somewhat different. 

In the past, getting close to Mount Everest is an unattainable dream for most people. But today, it's easy to travel to Everest, due to the greatly improved tourism facilities. More and more people including seniors and kids can visit Everest Base Camp from Lhasa to realize their dream of worshipping the highest mountain in the world.

Sunset of Mount Everest

How to Get to Everest Base Camp from Lhasa? 

When you arrive in Lhasa, usually, there will be another two days of Lhasa sightseeing tour before heading to Everest Base Camp, or at least one day. Because your body needs time to adapt to the sudden altitude change. In addition to that, the tourist attractions in Lhasa are worth visiting as well, such as Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, and so on. You will have an outline of Tibet Buddhist culture during these two days.

After two to three nights in Lhasa, you can get sufficient rest and normally acclimatize to the high altitude already. Therefore, it’s time to launch an Mt. Everest trip. Here's a brief tour route,

  • D1 Arrival in Lhasa (3680m)
  • D2 Visit Lhasa Suburb
  • D3 Lhasa sightseeing
  • D4 Lhasa- Gyantse(4040m)- Shigatse(3840m), 360km, approx 7hrs
  • D5 Shigatse - Tingri - EBC(5100m), 350km, approx 8hrs
  • D6 EBC - Shigatse, 350km, approx 8hrs
  • D7 Shigatse - Lhasa, 300km, approx 5hrs
  • D8 Depart from Lhasa

>>See more about Lhasa to Everest Base Camp Tour

Usually, your Tibet travel agency will arrange your tour to Everest Base Camp from Lhasa. The distance from lhasa to everest base camp is about 700 kilometers by vehicle, which takes two days. Due to the strict speed limited regulation, the driving duration is about 7 hours per day. But, the scenery along the way is amazing enough to let you ignore the exhaustion of the journey. You can appreciate the turquoise Yamdroktso Lake, the famous Karola Glacier, Pelkor Monastery, Rongbuk Monastery (the highest monastery on earth) and the general view of holy Mt. Everest. When you finally arrive at Everest Base Camp, you will have close contact with Mt. Everest. You can take photos or do a little trekking around it, to admire the highest mountain in the world.

Attractions Along the Way

Yamdroktso Lake

Yamdroktso Lake, which means "Jade Lake" and "Swan Lake " in Tibetan, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet along with Namtso and Lake Manasarovar. It is the largest inland lake in the northern foothills of the Himalayas. The landscape of lakes and mountains deserves your visit. Looking south from the top of Gangbala at 4,790 meters, the beautiful Yamdroktso Lake looks like a sapphire set among the peaks. The blue lake is as smooth as a mirror, with white clouds and snow-capped peaks clearly reflected on it, the lake and mountains blending together perfectly.

Stunning Yamdroktso lake

Karola Glacier

Leaving the quiet and beautiful Yamdrok Lake, crossing the Smira Pass at 4,330 meters, you will come under the Karola Glacier. This is breathtaking scenery: snow plateau, blue sky and white clouds, huge glacier stretches from the top of the mountain to the side of the road. you can almost touch it with your hands. The crystal blue glacier is so chill that it can refresh one`s mind.

Tashilhunpo Monastery  

Tashilhunpo Monastery is one of the largest monasteries in Tibet and one of the six major monasteries of the Gelug Sect. Tashilhunpo Monastery was built in 1447 by Gedun Drupa, an apprentice of Gelug Sect founder Tsongkhapa.

In the Tibetan language, “Tashilhunpo” means auspicious Sumeru Mountain. On the road far from Shigatse, you can see the golden roof of Tashilhunpo Monastery glittering in the sunshine on the hillside to the west of the city. At the entrance of the temple, you can see the magnificent temple complex. On the right front, there is a tall white wall, where huge Thangkas are displayed during festivals.

Tashilhunpo Monastery

Rongbuk Monastery

The Rongbuk Monastery at the foot of Mount Everest, at an altitude of 5,100 meters, is the highest temple. The monks in the temple accompany their faith, praying and practicing silently. Relying on the unique geographical location, standing on the platform of the temple, you can have a panoramic view of the majestic and magnificent Mount Everest in clear weather.

What to Pack for Everest Base Camp Tour?

Warm clothes
It’s very cold in the Everest area, so, winter clothes are very important. The down jacket can keep you warm and easy to move compared with other thick garments. Woolen sweaters and socks are also necessary.
An old pair of hiking shoes could not be better for trekking to Everest.
Anti-sunburn articles
The ultraviolet ray of Tibet is very strong and you can easily get burnt if you don’t protect yourself well. Thus, ant-sunburn articles are quite necessary, such as sun cream, sunglasses, lip balm, hats, gloves, etc.
Spare batteries
It’s not easy to charge the battery in the Everest area. To support your phone or camera always, you’d better bring spare batteries or a power bank in case of an unexpected situation.
Sleeping bag
The condition of tents or guesthouses on Everest is very simple. You can bring an arctic-rated sleeping bag If you could not put up with it.
You can also bring some instant food or snacks along the way, as well as drinking water.
Except for some ordinary medicines, we suggest you take some medicines for preventing and curing altitude sickness.

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Asked by FILI***

Lhasa to Everest Base Camp
what does this cost?

Answered by Beatrice

Dear FILIP**,  Lhasa to Everest Base Camp tour takes about USD950 based on 3-star hotels for joining a group tour in the ordinary season(April to June and from Oct 10 to November 31).