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Tibet Holiday Packages

  • by Meo
  • Last Updated: 2023-10-19

Tibet is unique and mysterious. Famous as the “Roof of the World”, this holy land is surrounded by lofty mountains, crystal lakes, and hospitable people. Located on a plateau, Tibet owns a unique Buddhist culture, beautiful nature, ancient religious sites and marvelous artworks.

As a famous as well as a remote destination in Asia, it’s hard for international travelers to choose a suitable route. To make it easier, we offer hand-picked group tours and private tour packages to travelers all around the world. Our holiday packages are designed by local travel experts and have been operated for years successfully. Don’t worry, just enjoy!

Crystal lakes dotted in Tibet

Which itinerary do you prefer? Stroll in the ancient Lhasa city, and admire splendid palaces and monasteries. Trek to the mountains, and look down at the gorgeous valleys and marvelous glaciers. Stay overnight at Everest Base Camp, and have a look at the amazing sunrise of the Golden Peak. Kora around the Mount Kailash, touch the pure spirits of devoted Buddhists. You can choose your favorite route, customize your private itinerary, or even experience all the adventures in a whole journey! We offer flexible tour packages to meet different travelers’ interests. 

We will take care of your travel. As our guests from other countries, we will serve you wholeheartedly. We offer Tibetan travel guides, seasoned drivers, safe vehicles and comfortable hotels. Once you book a tour, we guarantee you the Tibet Travel Permit and the fixed departure time. 

We offer group tour packages that cover must-see sites with less charge. Traveling on our group tour, you can save at least 20%, but you won’t miss any highlights. By sharing the fees of the guide, driver, and vehicle with other travelers, you can enjoy a cheaper holiday in Tibet and make friends with travelers at the same time. Once you book your tour, we guarantee your departure.

Pasture in Tibet

Lhasa, an ancient city with a 1300-year-old history, is the first destination for travelers in Tibet. We offer Lhasa Tour packages and you will have a perfect experience in “the city of sunlight”. Strolling in Lhasa, you will be surrounded by a religious atmosphere. Home to the famous Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, and Barkhor Street, a historical as well as cultural journey will be dedicated to you. 

To enjoy an unforgettable holiday in Tibet, you can’t miss Mount Everest. Our Everest Base Camp tour packages are prepared for you. We offer you the opportunity to stay overnight at base camp and have a marvelous view of sunset and sunrise of the highest peak in the world. At the foot of the massive mountain, you may be shocked by the great nature.

Want to do a kora around the holy mountain? Want to meet pilgrims all over the world? Our Mount Kailash tour packages offer you this opportunity. Known as the holiest mountain in Buddhism and Hinduism, Mount Kailash is recognized as one of the most important pilgrimages in Asia. You can do a kora, admire the impressive scenery, and have a different comprehension of your soul.

To extend your journey, our Nepal Tibet tour packages are good choices. Both located in the Himalayas, Nepal  Tibet share Buddhism but have a different culture.

To extend your journey, our Nepal Tibet tour packages are good choices. Both are located in the Himalayas, Nepal and Tibet share Buddhism but have different cultures. Fly to the Kathmandu Valley, where you can explore elegant pagodas and sacred temples, and see ancient Bhaktapur Durbar Squares. For nature lovers, Elephant safari and jungle walk are included in our packages, just enjoy the unique natural beauty of Nepal. For trekking lovers, there are magnificent Himalayan mountains await your exploring!

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Asked by Geof***

How much on average does a 14 night trip cost for two people,kindest regards Geoff western.

Answered by Catherine

Dear Geoff Western, Thank you for sending us an inquiry! This is Catherine from Great Tibet Tour at your service.  Great Tibet Tour is a local tour operator based in Lhasa, Tibet. It was founded in 2005 and recommended by Lonely Planet as one of the best reputed local Tibet travel agencies. We specialize in arranging Tibet travel for foreigners, as well as other parts of China & Nepal. 

In your inquiry, you mentioned you would like to have a 14-night trip cost. The cost is about XXX per person per day based on 2 people. The actual rate will depend on the itinerary.