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87 kilometers northwest of Lhasa, Yampachen is a small town lying in Yampachen Valley of Lhasa. This town is surrounded by lush green plants and nomad tents. This area is famous for the Yampachen Hot Springs. The plenty of geothermal power has been taken to produce electricity for the capital city Lhasa and its surrounding towns.

Accomplished in 1976, a thermoelectric power plant is built on the edge of the Yampachen hot spring field. It is also the first project of geothermal power in China.

Yampachen Hot Spring Characteristic

High altitude, high temperature and high snow mountains are the three characteristics of Yampachen Hot Spring. For travelers, it is very exciting and pleasant to take a bath in the world's highest place with the view of snow-capped mountains. The centigrade temperature of the hot spring water is 30 which is above boiling point in this altitude.

Although it may be a little cold in the plateau, taking a bath in Yampachen Hot Spring is also a good way to release your altitude stress, ease fatigue from long flight or train tour and cure many chronic illnesses in the belief of local people.

Some snowflakes fall from the sky now and then, fall in your upper body above the water and melt immediately. You will feel cool and comfortable.

How to Experience Yampachen Hot Spring

Yampachen Hot Spring pool has three categories. You can choose to take a bath in the outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, or indoor small hot spring room, and the price ranks from 98-160 RMB per person. You need to prepare a swimsuit. If you don’t have a swimsuit, you can buy one in the shop beside hot spring pool. But the price is much expensive.

If you enjoy hot spring in the outdoor spring pool, you can enjoy the natural beauty. If you enjoy hot spring in small indoor pool, you can drink cold beer, boiled egg or local manmade barley wine to supplement energy. Taking a bath consumes energy, especially in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. If you feel tired, you can have a rest in the lounge on the second floor. You can drink tea, read local Tibet magazine and play chess.


  1. if you are the first time to travel to Tibet and get altitude sickness, you are recommended not to stay in hot spring too long. The best way is to stay in hot spring pool for a few minutes and then have a rest.
  2. Reduce drastic action in hot spring pool in order to avoid exhaustion when you get out. The hot spring is just on the way to Namtso Lake. You can take a bath on your way to Namtso Lake as a rest if time permits.

The Best Time to travel to Yampachen

The best time to visit Yampachen is from May to October. The temperature in winter is lower and sunlight is not very strong. It is very cold to take a bath in the outdoor hot spring pool and the weather is not very good with hush wind. So, travelers are recommended to visit Yampachen from May to October. Besides, you can take part in many local festivals, and enjoy Tibetan folks and customs.

Attractions nearby Yampachen Hot Springs

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